Financial Education

Women Financial Rights

Financial Rights That Women Have in India

Women since the ages have been deprived of their social and economical rights just in the name of her being the nurturer. This led to her oppression for thousands of years as she herself could not explore what freedom she withholds. However, the brave women overcame their hurdles and the modern woman began to empower …

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How to Prepare Teenagers for Financial Independence

How to Prepare Teenagers for Financial Independence?

Teenagers must be prepared for financial independence through a multifaceted strategy that includes instruction, real-world experience, and the development of a responsible mindset. First, start frank discussions about finances, including budgeting, saving, and how decisions affect one’s financial situation. Encourage high school students to take part in part-time jobs or internships to gain practical experience …

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Language of Paper Assets

Women Should Learn the Language of Paper Assets – Part 2

Let’s get started It’s time to get started. If any of you decide that paper assets are right for you, the best place to start is by tying up with an expert at MyFinopedia, and learning & clearing doubts or queries if any about a particular investment. Like learning anything new, start by understanding the …

Women Should Learn the Language of Paper Assets – Part 2 Read More »