money market funds

Advantages & Disadvantages of Fixed Income Securities

Advantages & Disadvantages of Fixed Income Securities

Fixed income generally means an investment asset whereby one gets returns on an assured rate. Fixed Income Securities can range from bonds, CODs (certificates of deposits), money market funds, etc. that guarantee predetermined returns. They preserve the documents for a particular amount of time and give assured returns (usually lower) and upon maturity gives an …

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Disadvantages of money market funds

Advantages and Disadvantages of Money Market Mutual Funds

Money Market Mutual Funds, often known as overnight or late-night mutual funds, are based on the short-term interest rate in the market. It comprises of commercial papers, commercial bills, treasury bills, government securities with a remaining term of up to 365 days, call or notice money, certificates of deposit, usance bills, and any other analogous …

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Money Market Mutual Funds

A Quick Guide to Money Market Mutual Funds

AbstractAn open-ended debt scheme, in which the fund manager invests in money market  instruments such as treasury bills and commercial papers which are highly liquid and  have short-term maturities. These are issued by the RBI with the help of commercial  banks having a maturity period of up to 1 year.  Key features   LiquidityThe easiness of …

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