
Collateralized Debt Obligation

Collateralized Debt Obligation

Meaning A collateralized debt obligation is a kind of financial pool that brings together all the available debt instruments, such as loans, mortgages and bonds, compiles them and ranks them according to their risks and returns. Later, the investors can delve upon these tranches and purchase them as per their profit analysis. They also gain …

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Debt Management Strategies

Debt Management Strategies – Overcoming Financial Challenges and Achieving Debt Freedom

A methodical and calculated approach is necessary to overcome financial obstacles and become debt-free. Making a detailed budget that accounts for debt commitments, expenses, and income is one useful tactic. This gives a clear picture of the state of the economy and makes it easier to find areas where spending can be cut in order …

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Debt Elimination Plan

What is Debt Elimination Plan?

A debt elimination plan is a methodical process that people and companies can use to gradually pay off their obligations and become financially independent. Reducing and eventually getting rid of existing debts—, which could include loans, credit card bills, and other financial obligations—is the main objective. Evaluating the existing financial condition is the first stage …

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Which Mutual Fund Should Investors Select—Debt or Equity

Which Mutual Fund Should Investors Select—Debt or Equity?

When evaluating their financial alternatives, people frequently struggle to decide between debt and equity mutual funds. As we know that each of these investment varieties have their own distinct qualities and advantages of their own, as an investor and having an aim of a safe financial goal, you must make an important decision regarding this. …

Which Mutual Fund Should Investors Select—Debt or Equity? Read More »

Credit Default Swaps (CDS)

Credit Default Swaps (CDS) – Everything You Need to Know!

In the world of financial investment, credit default swaps (CDS) is one of the most popular terms. It refers to the buying of credits from another lender or to exchange the debts in case of default of payment. A derivative product assists investors to nominate any other investor to reimburse the amount at the time …

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Difference between Debt and Equity Fund

Difference between Debt and Equity Fund

Mutual funds have a range of classifications. One of the most discussed funds are equity and debt funds. Equity funds are often associated with securities, bonds or shares, whereas debt funds comprises of corporate deposits, government bonds , treasury bills, etc. Equity funds may have potential risks while higher in returns compared to debt funds …

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Top places to keep money for Emergency Fund

What is the Best Place to Keep Your Emergency Funds Aside From Bank Accounts?

Life is full of uncertain circumstances. So, it’s imperative to build a fund that can save you at times of emergencies. Emergency Funds are set apart from other savings, as it can help you to handle unfortunate circumstances like job loss, loss of family members, or medical bills. So, it’s always prudent to keep your …

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Finance Bill 2023

Finance Bill 2023 – Big Challenges on Debt Funds

The Finance Bill 2023 proposes substantial changes to debt fund taxes in India. The revisions are intended to close tax loopholes utilized for investment by high-net-worth people and family offices. The proposed revisions have unfolded varied reactions, with some experts predicting a negative impact on the bond market and investments in debt mutual funds. Investments …

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