bearish market

What is Bear Market

What is Bear Market?

A bear market occurs when the stock market makes lower lows continuously over a duration of time. A bear market is generally declared when the market falls by at least 20% from its high. Simply put, a bear market occurs when stock market experiences prolonged price declines. As a result of prolonged decline, consumer demand …

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Sticks & Candles of the Stock Market

Elements Influencing the Sticks & Candles of the Stock Market

In the last article about the stock market, we understood the concept and working of stock  market investments. Now let us understand the constituents that affect stock market  moments. There are different amounts & types of factors that affect the market. But if one peels all that’s on the skin and appearance at the foremost …

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Stock Market Investment

Simplifying Market Investments with Complex Ups & Downs

Equity has the potential to beat inflation within the future. Fixed income products render  returns equi-level to inflation. And gold is an asset class that may be a decent hedge for  inflation and uncertainty within the long term. It envelops all for having a right allocation.  The higher returns that equity offers over fixed income …

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Stock Market Correction

Correct Your Portfolio with Market Corrections

Dreaming about a beautiful future, where life will be amazing and everything looks better.  These hopes led to bearing the present with satiety. Once a dream comes true, will change me and my surroundings. Say once I get a hike, I am going to save money. All this brings new promises to ourselves.  Dreams don’t …

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