corporate bonds

How to Beat Inflation with Investing

How to Beat Inflation with Investing?

Strategic planning to exceed the rising cost of living is necessary to beat inflation through investing. Diversification requires you to distribute your investments among a range of asset types, including bonds, equities, and real estate. Stocks have the ability to appreciate in value and have historically surpassed inflation. Dividend-paying equities provide additional income as a …

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Credit Default Swaps (CDS)

Credit Default Swaps (CDS) – Everything You Need to Know!

In the world of financial investment, credit default swaps (CDS) is one of the most popular terms. It refers to the buying of credits from another lender or to exchange the debts in case of default of payment. A derivative product assists investors to nominate any other investor to reimburse the amount at the time …

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Advantages & Disadvantages of Fixed Income Securities

Advantages & Disadvantages of Fixed Income Securities

Fixed income generally means an investment asset whereby one gets returns on an assured rate. Fixed Income Securities can range from bonds, CODs (certificates of deposits), money market funds, etc. that guarantee predetermined returns. They preserve the documents for a particular amount of time and give assured returns (usually lower) and upon maturity gives an …

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Dynamic Bond Funds

When Do Dynamic Bond Funds Make Sense For Investments?

The interest rate movement in the stock market influences the returns of a bond  fund. When interest rates go down, long-duration bond funds are benefited the most. Whereas, when interest rates are rising, these funds are not fruitful.   Factors such as inflation, government borrowings, RBI’s monetary policy, etc. explain the interest rate movement which is …

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