debt mutual funds

Which Mutual Fund Should Investors Select—Debt or Equity

Which Mutual Fund Should Investors Select—Debt or Equity?

When evaluating their financial alternatives, people frequently struggle to decide between debt and equity mutual funds. As we know that each of these investment varieties have their own distinct qualities and advantages of their own, as an investor and having an aim of a safe financial goal, you must make an important decision regarding this. …

Which Mutual Fund Should Investors Select—Debt or Equity? Read More »

Top places to keep money for Emergency Fund

What is the Best Place to Keep Your Emergency Funds Aside From Bank Accounts?

Life is full of uncertain circumstances. So, it’s imperative to build a fund that can save you at times of emergencies. Emergency Funds are set apart from other savings, as it can help you to handle unfortunate circumstances like job loss, loss of family members, or medical bills. So, it’s always prudent to keep your …

What is the Best Place to Keep Your Emergency Funds Aside From Bank Accounts? Read More »

mutual fund taxation

What Taxes Apply to My Mutual Funds?

When it comes to mutual fund investment, it has been a consistent option for investments due to higher returns by potential buyers. Even though, understanding the concept of tax implications associated with mutual fund investments is critical in order to make well-informed judgments when investing in mutual funds. This article describes the many forms of …

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Finance Bill 2023

Finance Bill 2023 – Big Challenges on Debt Funds

The Finance Bill 2023 proposes substantial changes to debt fund taxes in India. The revisions are intended to close tax loopholes utilized for investment by high-net-worth people and family offices. The proposed revisions have unfolded varied reactions, with some experts predicting a negative impact on the bond market and investments in debt mutual funds. Investments …

Finance Bill 2023 – Big Challenges on Debt Funds Read More »

Disadvantages of money market funds

Advantages and Disadvantages of Money Market Mutual Funds

Money Market Mutual Funds, often known as overnight or late-night mutual funds, are based on the short-term interest rate in the market. It comprises of commercial papers, commercial bills, treasury bills, government securities with a remaining term of up to 365 days, call or notice money, certificates of deposit, usance bills, and any other analogous …

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Dynamic Bond Funds

When Do Dynamic Bond Funds Make Sense For Investments?

The interest rate movement in the stock market influences the returns of a bond  fund. When interest rates go down, long-duration bond funds are benefited the most. Whereas, when interest rates are rising, these funds are not fruitful.   Factors such as inflation, government borrowings, RBI’s monetary policy, etc. explain the interest rate movement which is …

When Do Dynamic Bond Funds Make Sense For Investments? Read More »