Personal Finance

Saving vs. Investing

Saving vs. Investing: Understanding the Differences

Two separate financial strategies with differing goals and degrees of risk are saving and investing. Depending on one’s time horizon, risk tolerance, and financial objectives, one can choose to invest or save. Savings is more in line with short-term goals like accumulating an emergency fund or saving for a down payment. Long-term objectives like retirement, …

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Taking Control of Your Finances

Financial Wellness for the Modern Individual-Taking Control of Your Finances

Obtaining financial wellness is a need for the modern person in today’s fast-paced society, not merely a goal. Taking charge of your money is like writing your own script, it all starts with a well-thought-out plan. Make a reasonable budget that fits your goals and way of life first. Keep a close eye on your …

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Are Mutual Funds (MFs) Competing Against Bank Deposits

Are Mutual Funds (MFs) Competing Against Bank Deposits?

Mutual Funds (MFs) and bank deposits are not in direct competition, as they serve distinct financial purposes. Bank deposits, including savings accounts and fixed deposits, offer low-risk, secure options with modest interest rates, primarily focused on capital preservation. In contrast, mutual funds are investment vehicles that pool money from multiple investors to create diversified portfolios …

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5 Money Lessons

5 Money Lessons To Learn This Teachers Day

On this very unique day known as Teachers Day, our mentors who impart us with knowledge and life lessons are acknowledged. Therefore, being the mentors of our own life choices and decisions, it is worth considering five important money lessons that instructors may impart to us as we observe this day or may incultivate. These …

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Difference between Personal and Business Financial Planning

Difference between Personal and Business Financial Planning

When it comes to managing your finances, it is important to demarcate between your personal and business finances. Both personal finance and business finances inspire your overall financial gains. The main difference between personal and business finances are, personal finances consist of loans that are credited to payback in a particular amount of time, whereas …

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Personal Finance Planning

What is Personal Financial Planning and Why is It Important?

One doesn’t have to be an expert in economics or accounting to be good at personal finance. All that, one has to do is follow certain rules which are universal like the law of gravity. Personal finance is both a simple concept because all the math one needs to understand is covered in schooling, and …

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Fee-Only Financial Advisor

Why We Need Fee-Only Financial Advisor?

A fee-only financial advisor provides financial planning advice or consultation services and manages your personal finance.  These advisors are paid on a flat-fee basis for their service and in return, they provide you with the best financial pieces of advice that enhance your investment portfolio. They work for your profit and in return charges a …

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