risk tolerance

Saving vs. Investing

Saving vs. Investing: Understanding the Differences

Two separate financial strategies with differing goals and degrees of risk are saving and investing. Depending on one’s time horizon, risk tolerance, and financial objectives, one can choose to invest or save. Savings is more in line with short-term goals like accumulating an emergency fund or saving for a down payment. Long-term objectives like retirement, …

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Value Investing vs Growth Investing

Value Investing vs Growth Investing: Which Approach is Right for You?

Investing is a crucial part of financial planning, and choosing the right investment strategy is essential to achieving financial goals. Value and growth investing are two popular methods that investors often consider. The decision between the strategies is based on a number of considerations, and each has advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, with the increasing digitization …

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Invest For Short-Term Goals

How Do I Invest For Short-Term Goals?

Investing for short-term goals typically involves a different strategy compared to long-term investments, as you prioritize liquidity and capital preservation. Here’s a concise guide which will guide you to invest safely that too in short period. 1. First, determine your specific short-term financial objectives, such as saving for a vacation, buying a car, or covering …

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Rebalancing Portfolios Stratgey

Rebalancing Portfolios is the New Desideratum Of an Hour

Due to the disparities in returns among various investments, an investor’s initial asset mix will inevitably alter. This transformation may raise or decrease the chance of the investor’s portfolio. Portfolio rebalancing is the process of realigning the weights of a portfolio of assets. It involves the periodic investments or disinvestments of portfolios to take care …

Rebalancing Portfolios is the New Desideratum Of an Hour Read More »