financial assets

Importance of Creating a Will before Your Passing

What is the Importance of Creating a Will before Your Passing?

A will is a testamentary document that lets your property or financial assets belong to others after your passing away.  In India, wills are governed by Indian Succession Act, of 1925, for Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs, and Christians. Under Hanafi law, Mohammedans are governed to make a will for their succession. Creating a will is …

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Foreign Portfolio Investment

What is FPI? Meaning, Risk and Benefits

An FPI or Foreign Portfolio Investment is a way to buy foreign financial assets like stocks, mutual funds, or ETFs through overseas investments. The investors who invests in these portfolios are commonly known as Foreign Portfolio Investors. This makes the investors diversify their portfolio through various profits and losses made internationally. Meaning & Examples Foreign …

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React to Market Volatility

How to React to Market Volatility

Volatility is the standard displacement or the variation of value changes over a given period of time in the market. One can stake against volatility in various ways, which were successful for a long time. When markets spill, it’s instinctive to be on pins and needles about investments. Reparations can be sparked by any number …

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Ideal Investment Ratio

Ideal Investment Ratio For the Investor Of Any Age Group

Investing needs proper planning. Whether one invests for long-term or short duration,  whether one invests in physical assets or financial assets, one can’t ignore the most  important tenet of Planning.  So how do I plan the investments? What factors should one consider before making the first move for the investments? Is it only investible surplus …

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