Financial Security

Women Financial Rights

Financial Rights That Women Have in India

Women since the ages have been deprived of their social and economical rights just in the name of her being the nurturer. This led to her oppression for thousands of years as she herself could not explore what freedom she withholds. However, the brave women overcame their hurdles and the modern woman began to empower …

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How to Not Feel Guilty About Spending Money

How to Not Feel Guilty About Spending Money?

In the consumer-driven society of today, it’s simple to feel bad about making purchases. But maintaining a positive outlook on personal money is crucial for general wellbeing. This article provides techniques to help you combine pleasure with fiscal responsibility by assisting you in navigating the complicated emotions related to financial spending. You can develop a …

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Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

All About Latest Revision of the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

A government-backed savings programme in India called the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana aims to improve the financial security of young girls. It was introduced as part of the Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao initiative and comes with tax advantages and a high interest rate. For a girl under the age of ten, parents or guardians may start …

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How to Prepare Your Finances for Divorce From an Abusive Partner

How to Prepare Your Finances for Divorce From an Abusive Partner?

To protect your financial independence and well-being, it’s imperative that you get your money in order for a divorce from an abusive marriage. Make a thorough financial inventory first, listing all of your assets, debts, and joint accounts. To maximise your financial settlement, seek the advice of a financial professional while you navigate the challenges …

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How to Create an Emergency Fund and Why It's Important

How to Create an Emergency Fund and Why It’s Important

Establishing an emergency fund is essential to long-term financial security. Aim for three to six months’ worth of living expenses when you first start by putting aside a percentage of your salary on a regular basis. This fund acts as a safety net for finances, offering a buffer in case of unforeseen circumstances like auto …

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Life Insurance Policy Need An Accidental Death Benefit

Does Your Life Insurance Policy Need An Accidental Death Benefit Rider?

Life insurance is a crucial financial tool that provides peace of mind and financial security to your loved ones in the event of your untimely demise. While traditional life insurance policies offer a straightforward death benefit, some individuals may wonder whether they should add an accidental death benefit rider to their policy. In this discussion, …

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Women Investing

Why Should Women Start Investing?

Investment is an area that both men & women can actively participate in. As the fast-paced world targeted more traffic towards the economy, women have uniformly continued to make the investment industry more inclusive and diverse by invaluable connections and unique perspectives. According to the Study in 2020 by Wealth Manager Coutts, women have contributed …

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