On The Tuesday of 14th May 2024, Dheeraj Wadhawan, an influential figure in the financial sector was arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in the concern devoted to Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd (DHFL) which involved scam of a whooping Rs 34,000 crore.
After being taken into prison in Mumbai on Tuesday night, Wadhawan was brought before a special court in Delhi on Tuesday and was placed under judicial custody. He has reportedly previously received a charge sheet from the CBI regarding the case in 2022.
Moreover, Wadhawan was also arrested by the CBI as he was suspected to be a part of the Yes Bank corruption investigation but was later left out on bail as per monetary exchange.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) ordered in February of this year to attach bank accounts, shares, and mutual fund holdings owned by Dheeraj and Kapil Wadhawan, the former promoters of DHFL, in order to recover unpaid debt of ₹22 lakh. The two Wadhawan brothers were already fined on 12 July 2023 initially for violating their disclosure standards, and when they failed to pay back the penalty, the market regulator was forced to intervene.
A few weeks before, Dheeraj Wadhawan’s appeal for medical leave was approved and the Delhi High Court had also sent a notice to the CBI last Saturday regarding so. Meanwhile after a minor spinal surgery in the month of April 2024, Mr. Dheeraj Wadhawan was currently recovering at home in Mumbai, however he questioned court’s decision to deny him a bail on the ground of medical emergency. The further hearing for the matter is set for this Friday, May 17 where the Wadhawan brothers aided retribution lies on the hands of Justice Jyoti Singh as strictly ordered by the CBI.