All You Need to Know About the Roaring Kitty!

Who is Roaring Kitty

– Intro

Roaring Kitty, actual named as Keith Gill, is a financial specialist or best to be called as an analyst was a  popular online figure in almost all of the social medias. He was widely renowned in 2020 and 2021 for his role in the GameStop short squeeze. Let us understand deeply about him further.

– Works

Gill is best known for his financial analyses and stock market comments, which he primarily shares on his YouTube channel and Twitter account under the nickname RoaringKitty. He also blogged on Reddit under the name “DeepFuckingValue.” His social media influence takes a huge toll on stock markets due to his large scale success via manipulation and proper prediction of stocks.

– Why is he famous

Keith Gill rose to prominence during the GameStop short squeeze, a notable event in the financial markets that saw GameStop’s stock price skyrocket. Gill’s extensive research and optimistic view on GameStop equities helped rally ordinary investors, resulting in large gains and significant losses for hedge funds that had severely shorted the firm.  Moreover he generated a revenue of 48 million dollars overnight through his stance.

– Professional life

Before becoming an established online persona, Keith Gill worked as a financial analyst and had numerous finance positions as the lead of finance sectors in major corporate companies like MassMutual. His professional views and extensive research contributed significantly to the authenticity of the analysis he offered online.

– GameStop share

Gill first invested in GameStop in 2019, when the shares could be bought at an inexpensive rate. He was convinced that the market was underestimating the company and that it had the chance to recover. His investment thesis, which he released on social media, attracted enormous interest among individual investors, resulting in a coordinated buying attempt and the short squeeze in early 2021.

– Why share is falling

  • The short squeeze had artificially boosted the stock price, thus an adjustment was unavoidable.
  • Despite the momentary spike, GameStop’s core business issues persist, weakening investor confidence.
  • Administrative monitoring and possible lawsuits have muted enthusiasm.
  • Many initial investors and traders are likely to have cashed out, resulting in a selloff.