Why is Real Estate Better than Mutual Funds?

Why is Real Estate Better than Mutual Funds

Many people debate which investment option offers the best chance of financial progress when faced with the choice between real estate and mutual funds. Despite the fact that both have their benefits, some investors may favour real estate due to certain advantages:

  1. Ownership and Control

Real estate: You have complete control over your property when you invest in real estate. Having control over maintenance, improvements, and tenant selection gives you a sense of having control over your property.

Mutual Funds: Investors in mutual funds do not directly control the underlying assets. Investor influence is diminished since fund managers make investing choices on their behalf.

  1. Invest to Prevent Inflation

Real estate: Real estate frequently acts as an inflation buffer. Over time, property prices and rental revenue often increase, sometimes even outperforming inflation rates. This safeguards your investment’s purchasing power.

Mutual Funds: Since mutual funds’ returns are strongly correlated with the performance of the underlying assets in the portfolio, they could not offer the same amount of inflation protection.

  1. Possibility of Rental Income

Real estate: Investing in real estate provides the chance to earn rental income. Rent payments from tenants may be a reliable source of income if you invest in residential or commercial properties, ensuring financial stability and cash flow.

Mutual Funds: While certain equity funds may pay dividends, mutual funds generally focus on capital appreciation and do not ensure a steady stream of income.

  1. Possibility of Financial Growth

Real estate: Historically, Indian real estate has shown the potential for significant capital growth. Properties in well-planned sites frequently increase in value over time, providing investors with capital gains.

Mutual Funds: Returns on mutual funds can be more variable and are sensitive to market circumstances, but they also offer the potential for capital growth.

  1. Physical Material with Value in It

Real estate: Its concreteness is one of the most powerful arguments in favour of it. You get a material possession with intrinsic worth when you invest in real estate. This asset is a tangible possession that you can see, touch, and use rather than just a piece of paper on which shares are represented.

Mutual Funds: In contrast, mutual funds are a collection of financial assets like stocks and bonds. These assets are intangible and get their worth from the state of the economy and the market.

Real estate may shine brighter in certain portfolios, but a balanced approach that includes both real estate and mutual funds can provide a well-rounded investment strategy.